Enhancing Openreach Optical Spectrum Access (OSA)
If you already have, or are thinking of implementing, a managed service using Openreach’s Optical Spectrum Access then Fibre Technologies and our partner ADVA can help you get the most out of it.
OSA Filter Connect is an enhancement to the fully managed base product offering that enables you to access the underlying dark fibre, via spare ports on the filter, with your own DWDM equipment. This effectively gives you your own virtual dark fibre with all the key benefits that dark fibre offers – like the freedom to control and increase bandwidth usage at no extra cost – without compromising on service and maintenance levels.
Openreach will maintain a minimum of one managed wavelength for you, although you can choose to have multiple managed wavelengths on the service from them. All the other filter ports are available for you to deploy your own equipment over, with each channel able to support up to 100G.
In this way Filter Connect provides you the best of both worlds; top-class service from Openreach who will look after the fibre and managed wavelengths with 24/7 monitoring together with the flexibility for you to develop and manage your own services over the spare channels on the optical filter.
Since the OSA service is built using the ADVA product set, FTL and ADVA are the perfect consultancy and product partners to assist you in maximising the ROI from your OSA service.
If you would like more details, please email sales@fibre.co.uk