Top Safety Accreditation for FTL and Isoscan

Safe contractor

Isoscan and FTL are one of the latest group of successfulcompanies to join a leading edge scheme, designed to help industry improve itssafety record.

The Crowthorne-based firm recently received accreditation fromSAFEcontractor, a programme which recognises very high standards of health andsafety practise amongst UK contractors.

Employing 12 people, Isoscan and FTL are principally involved inthe Provisionof network connectivity and Building Security Solutions to major UK public andprivate sector organisations, addressing the modern day challenges ofintegrating networks, increasing capacity and securing your business.

Specialising in the Telco and Government industries and with a ?5million turnover, Isoscan and FTL?s most recent clients have included majorplayers such as, Landrover Jaguar, East North Hants District Council, and BMI.

The company?s application for SAFEcontractor accreditation wasdriven by the need for a uniform standard across the business.

SAFEcontractor accreditation is expected to enhance the company?sability to attract new contracts and its commitment to safety will be viewedpositively by its insurers when the company liability policy is up for renewal.It is applicable to most sectors although it is particularly relevant to food manufacture,property, facilities management, retail and leisure sectors, all of which arebig users of contract services.

John Kinge, Head of Risk at SAFEcontractor said, “Majororganisations can no longer run the risk of employing contractors who are notable to prove that they have sound health and safety policies”.

“More companies need to understand the importance of adoptinggood risk management in the way that Fibre Technologies and Isoscan has done.The firm?s high standard has set an example, which hopefully will be followedby other companies within the sector”.

Under the SAFEcontractor system, businesses undergo a vettingprocess, which examines health and safety procedures and their track record forsafe practice. Those companies meeting the high standard are included on adatabase, which is accessible to registered users only via a website,

Employer-organisations who sign up to the scheme can access thedatabase, enabling them to vet potential contractors before they even set footon site. These employers agree that, as users of the scheme, they will engageonly those who have received accreditation.

Over one hundred and fifty major nation-wide businesses, fromseveral key sectors, have signed up to use the scheme when selectingcontractors for services such as building, cleaning, maintenance, refurbishmentor electrical and mechanical work.

Optokon release MOT-700 series portable mini OTDR tester

The MOT-700 minireflectometer comes in a compact metal housing and functions as a full OTDR and optical

light source. The reflectometer determines the distance to reflecting and non-reflecting events and measures

optical line insertion loss and splice loss. In addition, the MOT-700 can be fitted with an optical power meter and a

visible light source.

The MOT-700 is designed for testing singlemode and multimode fiber parameters in the process of

installation, operation and maintenance, respectively the fault location:

– Backbone and local networks

– FTTx networks, PON

– Access networks

To view the product information please click here

To view the product application sheet please click here

FTL delivers Fibre optic training in Gibraltar

The aim wasto provide an insight into Fibre optics theory, health & safety concernswhen working with Fibre optics and then to combine it with hands on practicalfor 12 delegates, to enable them to work confidently with their own Fibreinfrastructure

During theweek, the delegates who had very little experience with the ?dark art? of Fibreoptics, learnt how to handle armoured multi core cable, the importance ofinspection and cleaning of Fibre cables (especially in their industry), lightloss and what impact it has on transmission, how to test for loss andconnectivity and finally how to prepare multi core Fibre cables prior to joiningthem using Fusion Splicing techniques

With thisinitial training under their belts both companies are now in a good position toinstall and maintain their own Fibre optic infrastructure with confidence andit also provides them with a good basis to consider any accredited training,should it be a future requirement

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