GANT Awards Infinera Contract to Deploy 600G Transmission Technology to Interconnect Pan-European Research and Education Community

SUNNYVALE, Calif. (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Infinera(NASDAQ: INFN) announced today that G?ANT, Europe’s leading collaboration onnetwork and related infrastructure and services for research and education,selected Infinera’s industry-leading 600G transmission technology for itsnext-generation pan-European network.

UsingInfinera’s Groove (GX) Series Compact Modular Platform, FlexILS Open OpticalLine System, and professional services, G?ANT is undertaking the mostsignificant refresh of its network in a decade as part of a major EU-fundedproject designed to support the needs of Europe’s research and educationcommunity for the next 15 years.

The amount ofvital data generated by scientists and researchers from areas such asbioinformatics, medicine, physics, astronomy, and climate change is growingexponentially, and G?ANT and its NREN partners must stay well ahead ofrequirements. While G?ANT’s current terabit-ready network is the most advancedand well-connected regional research and education network in the world, theneed to stay ahead of requirements for years to come is vitally important toscientific collaboration and discovery.

With Infinera’snetworking solutions, G?ANT can effectively provide high-speed services to itscustomers using efficient, high-capacity 600G per wavelength transmission.Additionally, the scalable network is designed to enable G?ANT to scalecapacity to multiple terabits seamlessly, meeting rapidly growing bandwidthdemand. Leveraging advanced features from the GX G30 and FlexILS, G?ANT canprovide a high level of security, service reliability, and disaster recovery.

?The success ofthe G?ANT (GN4-3N) project is essential for Europe’s research and educationcommunities and will ensure G?ANT and our NREN partners continue to enablescientific discoveries, remote learning for millions of students, and therealization of open science,” said Erik Huizer, Chief Executive Officer, G?ANT.?Infinera continues to be one of our trusted technology partners and we valuetheir expertise in deploying optical networks and providing the best solutionsto meet and exceed our extremely demanding requirements.”

?We are excitedto partner with G?ANT to meet some of the most stringent network requirementsfor high-capacity research and education networks,” said Nick Walden, SeniorVice President, Worldwide Sales at Infinera. ?G?ANT provides network andcollaboration services that facilitate important international cooperationbetween researchers and educators, and we are proud to support their effortswith cutting-edge optical technology that delivers what they need and providespeace of mind.”

Critical infrastructure deployed in Tyne & Wear to support covid blue light service

SSE Enterprise Telecoms is collaborating with long-term providerpartner, NYnet to support the infrastructure development of an NHS ExtendedAccess Hub in North Shields, Tyne and Wear in the UK.

The hub was established to help medical staff support Covid-19patients that were not deemed as requiring urgent hospital care, but stillneeded treatment in a secure facility. For this, robust, resilient and reliableconnectivity was essential. It was agreed that Ethernet would be the bestsolution.

Having worked with SSE Enterprise Telecoms for a number ofyears, NYnet contacted its provisioning team to acquire the technology, highlightingthe importance of quick delivery of this service to support the Covid-19response. Given the project?s critical importance, timings as much as possible,and delivery of the circuit was completed in eight working days. To put it intocontext, a typical timeline can be between 40 and 60 days. Once the circuit wasdeployed, NYnet was able to quickly install a router and connect the site tothe Health & Social Care Network (HSCN).

Zoe Oxley, senior project and deployment manager at NYnet said:?The Extended Access Hub is a critical component in the North East?s fightagainst Covid-19. As soon as the medical team reached out to us forconnectivity support, we understood the importance of procuring and deliveringa reliable connectivity solution as quickly as possible. This well managed,smooth process is a great display of how the industry can support ourfront-line key workers, should we all pull together.?

Added Simon Willmott, sector director for service provider atSSE Enterprise Telecoms: ?We are living in challenging times, where thereliance on our blue light services has never been so great. The successfulcompletion of this deployment has been a real team effort and is a testament tothe commitment of businesses across the sector in coming together during thepandemic to make sure the lives of those on the front line, and their patients,are a little bit easier.?

Researchers demo 100Gb/s with fully packaged CWDM optical transceiver module

Technology research institute, CEA-Leti has demonstrated a fullypackaged CWDM optical transceiver module with data transfer of 100Gb/s perfibre, with a low-power-consumption electronic chip co-integrated on thephotonic chip.

The silicon-photonics-based transceiver multiplexes twowavelengths at 50Gb/s. It is designed to meet the increasing data-communicationdemands and energy use of data centres and supercomputers. The institute is part of the COSMICC consortium of key industrialand research partners in silicon photonics, CMOS electronics, packaging,optical transceivers and data centres. Its vision is the mass commercialisationof silicon photonics based transceivers.

EU H2020 project, COSMICC further developed all the requiredbuilding blocks for a transmission rate of 200Gb/s and beyond withouttemperature control with four 50Gb/s wavelengths and by aggregating a largenumber of fibres. The key breakthroughs are the development of broadband andtemperature-insensitive silicon nitride (SiN) multiplexing components onsilicon (Si), the integration of hybrid III-V/Si lasers on the Si/SiN chips anda new high-count adiabatic fiber-coupling technique via SiN and polymerwaveguides.

The researchers say that their demonstration opens the way totechnology that allows a reduction in the cost, the power consumption and thepackaging complexity, allowing a way to reach a very high aggregated data ratebeyond terabits per second.

Using STMicroelectronics? silicon photonics integrationplatform, the COSMICC project developed a coarse wavelength divisionmultiplexing (CWDM) silicon-photonics transceiver in a packaged module at100Gb/s per fibre. This is scalable to 400Gb/s and includes 3D assembly of asilicon photonic chip and its electronic control chip. The silicon photonicchip integrated high-performance 50Gb/s NRZ optical modulators andphotodetectors, and a two-channel CWDM multiplexer and demultiplexer.

Separately, a library of enabling building blocks for higherdata-rate data centre interconnects was built on a SiN-enhanced siliconphotonics platform, including new broadband and athermal SiN components andhybrid III-V/Si lasers. CEA-Leti scientist S?gol?ne Olivier, who coordinatedthe EU project, said development of modulators and photodetectors at 50Gb/s andtheir co-integration with their control electronics was a breakthrough that ledto the low-power consumption 100Gb/s transceiver module. ?In addition,? shesaid, ?the new building blocks are essential for addressing the need for Tb/stransceivers at low cost and low energy consumption to sustain the exponentialgrowth of data traffic in datacenters and in high performance computingsystems. COSMICC?s technology will answer tremendous market needs with a targetcost per bit that traditional WDM transceivers cannot meet.?

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