Fibre Management and Its Role in Cloud Computing

Memoriesare life’s most prized possession. And because of that I go to great lengths toensure they are protected against what would be a disaster if I lost them all.Besides my iMac, I store to a router/backup on a regular schedule. I also backup monthly to a portable hard drive that should be kept off site but for now isin the house. Music is further backed up (with some tricks) on what seems likea dozen iPods among the family. I also save to storage in the cloud using asubscribed service. The cloud is my absolute failsafe should all other measuresfail. I have entrusted all my data and assets to reside somewhere out there inthe cloud and in the data centers of the world. And they are doing everythingthey can to protect them, right?

Read more by downloading the white paper here

Fibre to the home is coming to you at the speed of light

The Innbox brand portfolio from FTL encompasses a? broad portfolio of innovative customer premises equipment like network termination devices with integrated RF converters for CATV, home gateways, universal home gateways, set-top boxes, media centers and power line communication devices which have the following? distinguishing characteristics:?
designed and produced in EU
awarded for technical perfection and unique modular design
provide high performance
enable fast installation, maintenance and remote management
provide premium end-user experience,
are based on a pay-as-you-grow business model
multi-vendor interoperability
are ???green??ù ??? lower power consumption than required by EU legislation,
top technical support and training programs

arcutronix supports the quality rating of LTE infrastructure

The 4th generation mobile technique LTE(Long Term Evolution) is demanding much higher requirements on clocking andsynchronisation as with former technologies. Even more, the back-hauling of theantennas for LTE (eNodeB) is purely based on Ethernet, which did not offerspecial features for clock and synchrony up to now. Ethernet is normally anasynchronous and packet-oriented transmission technology mainly used in LAN.Due to that there was no need to fulfil any demands on these quality featuresand in regular products nothing was prepared to support them.

Understanding the newdemands of back-hauling antennas via Ethernet, arcutronix implements in itsaccess devices synchronous Ethernet (Sync-E) and PTP.

Sync-E works onphysical layer similar to SDH. The Precision-Time Protocol, defined by IEEErecommendation 1588v2-2008, is a packet-based method to synchronise clocks andis independent to the physical transport, which is a big difference to Sync-E.Using Master-Slave architecture, the timing source (Grandmaster) sendsperiodically packets, which are carrying the actual time/clock. In amulti-stage procedure, each attached slave determines the packet-delay betweenitself and the Grandmaster. Knowing this individual packet-delay the slave canadjust its clock correctly. The algorithm used to calculate the delay of thetiming-packets requires precise timestamps for the sending and receiving time.Depending on the quality of the timestamps, the slave’s established clock canbe the same as on the Grandmaster, varying only a few Nano-seconds.

As for all packet-oriented procedures, thereare variations in the packet-delay for PTP packets and so the value is notconstant, but slightly fluctuating. The smaller the packet-delay variation, thebetter is the result for the calculated clock at the PTP slave. In addition,any change in the topology of the network, caused by failure of lines or nodes,will lead to massive change in the mean-packet-delay between Grandmaster andslave.

The calculation of the packet-delay betweenslave and Grandmaster plus the optimisation of the network to smallpacket-delay variations is one of the big challenges for operators andproviders. The used network models are never matching to existing lines. Theycan only be seen as a generalisation of common known networks.

arcutronix offers in its products the optionto log the calculated packet-delays and to store this over a long period oftime (up to 3 years). Using these loggings, conclusions about the network canbe done and ways for corrections can be found. Any changes in the topology canbe back-tracked and the influence on the quality-level of the PTP. So this newfeature is not only a mighty tool for operators but also very well suited intest cases and to improve further models of existing topologies.

Click here for further information

Fibre Technologies are pleased to announce their new range of home gateways and IADs

Fibre Technologies are pleased to announce their new range of homegateways and IAD’s
VDSL2home gateways
The VDSL2 Home Gatewaysupports delivery of all triple play services: internet data, Voice over
IP (VoIP) and IP videoincluding bandwidth consuming HDTV.
For packet based terminaldevices it provides six Ethernet ports including Gigabit capability as well aswireless access point using 802.11N
Additionally two ports fortelephony services are provided using Voice over IP technology
compatible with SIP serverenvironments.
With embedded firewall andIP sharing technology this Home Gateway delivers secure broadband Internetaccess to be shared by all connected clients.
Furthermore two USB2.0host ports are available to enable value-added features such as file server,FTP server, printer server or hub connectivity
ADSL2+home gateways
The ADSL2+ Home Gatewaysupports delivery of all triple play services: internet data, Voice over IP(VoIP) and IP video including bandwidth consuming HDTV.
For packet basedterminal devices it provides four local Ethernet ports as well as wirelessaccess
point IEEE using 802.11g
Additionally two ports fortelephony services are provided using Voice over IP technology compatible withSIP server environments.
With embedded firewall andIP sharing technology this Home Gateway delivers secure broadband Internetaccess to be shared by all connected clients.
Featuring per port/VLAN/IPDiffServ functions, quality of service (QoS) can be easily achieved for real?time multimedia services, such as IPTV and telephony services.
Furthermore USB2.0 host port is available toenable value-added features such as file server or USB hub connectivity
The FTTH Home Gatewaysupports delivery of all triple play services: internet data, Voice over
IP (VoIP) and IP videoincluding bandwidth consuming HDTV.
For packet based terminaldevices it provides five Ethernet ports including Gigabit capable as well aswireless access point using 802.11N
Additionally two ports fortelephony services are provided using Voice over IP technology compatible withSIP server environments.
With embedded firewall andIP sharing technology this Home Gateway delivers secure broadband Internetaccess to be shared by all connected clients.
Furthermore two USB2.0host ports are available to enable value-added features such as file server,FTP server, printer server or hub connectivity.
The FTTH Home Gateway alsoembeds a special Quality of Experience (QoE) monitoring client
which enables on-lineevaluation of data path all the way to HGW, which can reflect in significantlower OPEX of operator
FTTHGPON gateways
The FTTH Home Gatewaysseries support delivery of all triple play services: internet data, Voice over
IP (VoIP) and IP videoincluding bandwidth consuming HDTV.
For packet based terminaldevices the series of GPON Home Gateways provides up to four Gigabit Ethernetports as well as a wireless access point using 802.11N
Additionally two ports fortelephony services can be provided using Voice over IP technology compatiblewith SIP and MGCP environments.
Furthermore when takinginto account the end-user’s existing copper wiring, they can be equipped with aRF video output, eliminating the need for set-top boxes, since video is broadcastedin the same manner as with an analog cable system.
With embedded NAT,firewall and IP sharing technology they deliver secure broadband Internetaccess to be shared by all connected clients.
Universalgateways (VDSL2, ADSL2+ and FTTH in one unit)
End user can choosebetween different WAN options from ADSL in legacy environments, VDSL inbandwidth consuming scenarios to FTTC environments. By using additional SFPtransceiver, either 100 Mbs or 1Gbs, user can migrate to full FTTH P2Pscenario.
The Universal Home Gatewaysupports delivery of all triple play services: internet data, Voice over IP(VoIP) and IP video including bandwidth consuming HDTV.
For packet based terminaldevices it provides six Ethernet ports including Gigabit capable as well aswireless access point using 802.11N
Additionally two ports fortelephony services are provided using Voice over IP technology compatible withSIP server environments.
With embedded firewall andIP sharing technology this Home Gateway delivers secure broadband Internetaccess to be shared by all connected clients.
Furthermore USB2.0 hostports are available to enable value-added features such as file server, FTPserver, printer server or hub connectivity.
The Universal Home Gatewayalso embeds a special Quality of Experience (QoE) monitoring
client which enableson-line evaluation of data path all the way to HGW, which can reflect insignificant lower OPEX of operator.

The clearfield Fibre management Philosophy

Aproduct that does not accomplish this in an easy and intuitive way is over-thought andcosts you money. At FTL, we approach fibre management with threesimple goals in mind. Our first and most importantobjective is to deliver solutions that minimise your fibreriskin the cable plant. Secondly, it is our responsibility to eliminate deployment and maintenance headaches. Lastly, wemust reduce the cost of broadband deployment bycarefulattention to not only the reduction of capital equipment costs, but also theoperationalcosts of each and every deployment.

Click here to read more

Secure Optical Networking white paper

Fibre may be harmed unwillingly by rodents, ground work or even natural phenomena such as flooding or earthquakes.

Even worse, the fibres are the easiest way to attack an otherwise highly secure network. This may include cutting fibres to create outages, or in the most advanced way, tapping of the data carried though the fibre.

Please click here to view our latest White paper

Taking Fibre deep into the Network, Clearfield leading the way

In the past 22 years, We have assisted hundreds of customers with their network design, planning, and associated fibre management needs. These networks have ranged from the booming CATV HFC days of the mid-90’s through fibre exhaust scenarios of the telcos to the gargantuan bandwidth needs of the various FTTH deployment strategies. One of the constants in all of them has been the consideration of link loss budget planning: How far out can I get with my current optical power before I have to terminate or amplify? I have always been amazed that more often than not, the first answer to distance limitation is to plop in more optical power in the way of EDFA’s, transmitters, and amplifiers. Optical transmission and having the power to get it where you want it to go can be an expensive affair. However, boosting power is not the only way to gain distance.

Click here to read the rest of this white paper

B&B Electronics acquires IMC

Ottawa, IL ? June 11, 2012 ? B&B Electronics (, a developer of wired and wireless connectivity technology, has expanded its portfolio to include the industry’s most comprehensive offerings of fiber access networking solutions through its acquisition of IMC Networks (

Founded in 1988, IMC Networks is a leading provider of optical access and media conversion solutions for LAN, MAN and FTTx applications. A pioneer in the development of many Ethernet-based products, IMC is known for designing the first fiber optic access and media conversion solutions in the industry.
The acquisition translates into increased portfolio strength for B&B through the addition of enterprise-class fiber-optic solutions designed to easily integrate into existing network infrastructures, as well as wide-area connectivity offerings. With this expanded scope, B&B extends its position as the single point-of-support for connectivity solutions needed by companies with networks of all sizes.

?The market for IMC’s technology is positioned for strong growth during the next few years, driven by the increasing bandwidth and reach of the edge of networks,” explained Sean Harrigan, B&B president/CEO. ?As companies and governmental organizations continue to invest in upgrading and expanding their networks, IMC’s reputation for quality technology that easily integrates into existing networks will further deepen B&B’s position as a compelling, total solution provider for demanding network engineers and designers seeking to boost performance.”

IMC solutions are known for allowing networks to perform better, faster and more reliably, with next-generation fiber access solutions sold in more than 50 countries. More than 60 percent of the company’s sales come from outside the United States, with customers including telecommunication carriers, military and government entities. Harrigan indicated that B&B values IMC’s history of innovation and ongoing investment in R&D.

IMC is B&B Electronics’ third major acquisition over the past 9 months. Late last year, B&B purchased Quatech, an Ohio-based manufacturer of industrial connectivity solutions. Earlier this year, B&B completed the acquisition of the Czech-based Conel s.r.o., a manufacturer of wireless communications routers, gateways and devices that connect cellular networks to Ethernet, serial and other data networks. The IMC acquisition fits B&B’s strategy of providing end-to-end networking connectivity solutions for industrial networks.

IMC Networks is headquartered in Foothill Ranch, CA with additional offices in Clearwater, FL, and Washington DC. The IMC business will operate as a subsidiary of B&B Electronics.

IMC’s product line consists of hundreds of solutions, including copper-to-fiber Media Converters that integrate with existing copper wiring-based networks, fiber mode converters, distance extenders, repeaters, LAN/WAN bandwidth management, intelligent FTTx solutions, and Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) solutions. IMC Networks supports Ethernet, ATM/SONET, T1/E1 and DS3/E3 networking technologies with Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Management. Its media conversion solutions are available in a variety of form factors and configurations, from low-cost standalone units to rack-mountable modules designed for the high-density applications.

About B&B Electronics:
Designing, customizing, and manufacturing products since 1981, B&B Electronics ( is a one-stop source for best-in-class rugged, reliable wireless connectivity and communications solutions. Backed by strong technical support, B&B products are known for being simple to order, simple to use and simple to install. The company offers solutions for serial, Ethernet and USB networks for industrial and commercial applications around the world.

FTL, in conjunction with our partner Ideal Industries, is offering a no obligation free trial of their latest network tester.

COMMS EXPO click here for further information

If you are intending to visit, then please do come along to stand 3, where we will be pleased to update you on our latest products, and feel free to leave your details for the free 30 day trial of the NaviTEK II, an advanced wiremapper and versatile troubleshooter for conducting active and passive network testing across both copper and fibre networks.

Please click here for a short overview video of the NaviTEKII

I hope that this will be of interest and we look forward to seeing you there.

However if you are unable to attend please email to be included for the 30 day free trial.

for further product information please click here

BridgeWave webinar

BridgeWaveCommunications is today?s leading supplier of high capacity 4G backhaul andgigabit wireless connectivity solutions for mainstream enterprise, healthcare,education, government and service provider networks.

?Millimeter wave solutions in the license-free 60 GHz and lightly-licensed 80GHz frequency bands
? Reliability – carrier-class 99.999% availability
? Security – highly-focused narrow ?pencil-beam? antennas
? Encryption – internal FIPS-certified 256-bit AES (optional)
? Privacy – dedicated connectivity between buildings
? Scalability – 100 Mbps to full-rate, full-duplex GigE rates

Join BridgeWave for an informative 45 minute webinar to learn how millimetrewave gigabit wireless solutions are providing essential high-capacityconnectivity across various market segments in the United Kingdom. Realworld examples will be explored and the significant benefits of wirelesssolutions in terms of cost and time will be discussed.

Foryour convenience, this webinar will be presented twice:

Wed., June 13, 2012 @ 3:00 PM BST

— OR —

Wed., June 20, 2012 @ 11:00 AM BST

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