New photonic devices are said to be poised to enable the next leap in deep space exploration

New photonic devices are said to be poised to enable the next leap in deep space exploration

Optical Society of America

New directed energy propulsion systems may enable the first interstellar missions,with small, robotic spacecraft exploring neighboring solar systems, accordingto experimental cosmologist Philip Lubin. He will present these and other advances at The Optical Society’s (OSA) Laser Congress, Light the Future Speaker Series, 4-8 Nov. in Boston.

Imagine a wafer-thin spacecraft powered by laser light capable of speeds greater than one quarter the speed of light?fast enough to reach the closest neighboring star to our solar system within 20 years, or something closer to home, like getting people to Mars in a month. By tapping into photonics-driven propulsion, researchers are well on their way to making this seemingly impossible science-fiction achievement a reality, said Lubin,who is a professor of physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

The research results Lubin will describe stem from NASA’s Starlight and Breakthrough Starshot programs, both of which support advanced research in photonics. Lubin is director of the Starlight program.

“Photonics,the production and manipulation of light, is already a part of our daily lives?from cellphones to computers to light-emitting-diode (LED) light bulbs to fiber optics that carry your data all over the place?even though you may not see it,” said Lubin. “You can point to practical examples of photonics in everyday life and it appears to have nothing to do with interstellar flight, but in fact it does, because it’s synergistic with the technology you need to achieve interstellar flight.”

One of the greatest challenges in validating this photonics concept as it relates to propulsion is the demonstration of the laser power required to accelerate the proposed/hypothetical spacecraft, according to Lubin.

Synthesized optics for directed energy propulsion systems

Large directed energy systems are not built using a single gigantic laser, but instead rely on beam combining, which involves the use of many very modest power laser amplifiers.

“Our system leverages an established typology called ‘Master Oscillator Power Amplifier’ design,” said Lubin. “It’s a distributed system so each laser amplifier “building block” is between 10 and 1000 Watts. You can hold it in your hand. Instead of building a gigantic laser, you combine a lot of small little laser amplifiers that, when combined, form an extremely powerful and revolutionary system.”

Lubin suggests an analogy with supercomputers, which are built using a large number of central processing units (CPUs). “By coherently combining billions of low poser laser power amplifiers?similar to the same power of a typical modern household LED?you suddenly have this amazingly capable directed energy system,” he said.

Interstellar probes powered via laser light

Directed energy systems may enable interstellar probes as part of human exploration in the not-too-distant future, and they are at the heart of the NASA Starlight program and the Breakthrough Star shot Initiative to enable humanity’s first interstellar missions. The same core technology has many other applications,such as rapid interplanetary travel for high mass missions, including those carrying people; planetary defense; and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI).

“Our primary focus currently is on very small robotic spacecraft. They won’t carry humans on board?it’s not the goal for the interstellar portion of our program,” said Lubin. “If humanity wants to explore other worlds outside our solar system, there are no other physically obtainable propulsion options for doing this?with two exceptions.

“One way would be if we could master a technological approach known as anti matter annihilation engines, which are theoretical propulsion systems that generate thrust based on energy liberated by interactions at the level of subatomic particles. But we don’t currently have a way to do that,” Lubin said,”and it involves a number of complexities we do not have a current path to solving.

“The other option is directed energy or photonic propulsion, which is the one we’refocusing on because it appears to be feasible,” Lubin said. In one variant, directed energy propulsion is similar to using the force of water from a garden hose to push a ball forward. Miniscule interstellar spacecraft(typically less than a kilogram and some that are spacecraft on a wafer) can be propelled and steered via laser light, he said.

“Miniaturizing spacecraft isn’t required for all of the mission scenarios we’re considering,but the lower the mass of the spacecraft the faster you can go,” Lubin said. “This system scales in different ways than ordinary mass ejection propulsion.”

So far,all of the rockets that have blasted off from Earth are based on chemical propulsion systems whose basic designs date back to World War II. They are just barely able to make it off the surface of the Earth and into orbit. Making a bigger rocket doesn’t make it go faster, it just allows the rocket to carry more mass. Photonic propulsion works differently, because the less dense the pay load the faster you go. So you want to lower the mass to go faster.

Like driving in a rain storm?in space

One significant challenge for relativistic spacecraft is radiation hardening,because “when we begin to achieve speeds close to the speed of light, the particles in interstellar space, protons in particular, that you plow into?ignore the dust grains for the moment?are the primary radiation source,” said Lubin. “Space isn’t empty; it has roughly one proton and one electron per cubic centimeter, as well as a smattering of helium and other atoms.”

Smashing into those particles can be significant at high speeds because while they maybe traveling slowly within their own frame of reference, for a fast-moving spacecraft they make for high-speed impacts.

“When you hit them it’s like driving in a rainstorm. Even if the rain is coming down straight from the sky your windshield gets plastered because you’re going fast?and it’s quite a serious effect for us,” Lubin said. “We get enormous radiation loads on the leading edge as the front gets just absolutely clobbered, whereas the rest of the spacecraft that is not the forward edge and facing in different directions doesn’t get hit much at all. It’s an interesting and unique problem, and we’re working on what happens when you plow through them.”

In terms of a time frame for putting directed energy propulsion technology to work,”We’re producing laboratory demos of each part of the system,” said Lubin. “Full capability is more than 20 years away, although demonstration missions are feasible within a decade.”

Getting to Mars quickly

The same core photonics technology in the NASA Starlight program also allows for extremely rapid interplanetary missions, including missions to Mars that could transport people in trips as short as one month. This would dramatically reduce the dangers to humans on the long journey to the red planet and is currently being studied as one option.

Trillion Planet Survey

Photonics advances also mean that we can now leave a light on for extraterrestrial intelligence within the universe if we want to be found?in case there is other intelligent life that also wants to know the answer to the question, “are we alone”?

Lubin’s students explore this concept in their “Trillion Planet Survey”experiment. This experiment is now actively searching the nearby galaxy Andromeda, which has about a trillion planets, and other galaxies as well as ours for signals of light.

Combining Lubin’s research with his students’ experiment, there are opportunities for signaling life. When technological advances allow for the demonstration of lasers powerful enough to propel the tiny spacecraft, these lasers could also be used to shine a beacon towards the Andromeda Galaxy in hopes that any life form there could discover and detect that source of the light in their sky.

The reverse case is more interesting. Perhaps another civilization exists with similar capability to what we are now developing in photonics. They may realize, as we do, that photonics is an extremely efficient means of being detected across vast distances far outside our galaxy. If there is an extraterrestrial civilization that is broadcasting their presence via optical beams,like those proposed for photonic propulsion, they are candidates to be detected by a large scale optical survey such as the Lubin team’s Trillion Planet Survey.

“If the transmission wavelength of an extraterrestrial beam is detectable, and has been on long enough, we should be able to detect the signal from a source anywhere within our galaxy or from nearby galaxies with relatively small telescopes on Earth even if neither ‘party’ knows the other exists and doesn’t know ‘where to point,'” Lubin said. This “blind-blind” scenario is key to the “Search for Directed Intelligence” as Lubin calls this strategy.


Perhaps one of the most intriguing uses for photonics?closer to home?is to tap it to help defend Earth from external threats such as hits from asteroids and comets.

The same system the researchers are starting to develop for propulsion can be used for planetary defense by focusing the beam onto the asteroid or comet. This causes damage to the surface, and as portions of the surface are ejected during the reaction with the laser light, momentum would push the debris one way and the asteroid or comet in the opposite direction. Thus, little by little, it will deflect the threat, Lubin said.

“The long-term implications for humanity are quite important,” he added.”While most asteroid threats are not existential threats, they can be quite dangerous as we saw in Chelyabinsk, Russia in 2013 and in Tunguska,Russia in 1908. Sadly, the dinosaurs lacked photonics to prevent their demise.Perhaps we will be wiser.”

Providedby: Optical Societyof America

A photonics merger trend

Industry News

A Photonics Megamerger

Stewart Wills

On 9 November, the global materialsand opto electronics company II-VI Inc.announced that it planned to acquire the optical-technology and communicationsfirm Finisar, in a cash-and-stocktransaction valued at some US$3.2 billion. The deal, expected to be completedin the middle of calendar 2019, would create what could be the world?s largestpublicly traded company involved principally in photonic technologies, withrevenues amounting to some US$2.5 billion.

In stating the rationale for thegiant merger, II-VI?s president and CEO, Vincent Mattera Jr., ina press release accompanying the announcement, cited the growth potentialof ?disruptive mega trends? driven by laser and materials innovation, in sectorssuch as communications, consumer electronics and the automotive business. AndFinisar?s CEO, Michael Hurlston, argued that the business combination withII-VI would ?enhance our ability to hit market windows that won?t stay open forlong.?

Apple at the core?

The financial press, perhaps notsurprisingly, has focused on the relationship between both firms and AppleInc., and in particular on the latter?s drive to trick out its iPhone X productline with 3-D sensing capabilities driven by vertical-cavity surface-emittinglasers (VCSELs).

Last year, for example, Apple pumpedsome US$390 million into an investment that supported Finisar?s acquisition ofa large semiconductor fab to boost VCSEL production. And II-VI has also beenbuilding its capabilities in VCSELs, not only for their potential in next-gensmartphones but also for their application in the market for autonomous-vehiclelidar.

II-VI and Finisar believe that puttingtogether their technology platforms in GaAs and InP compound semiconductorlaser design and fabrication will enable the combined entity to bring theselaser products to market faster?providing them with a competitive leg up versusother companies such as Lumentum, also a big VCSEL supplier to Apple.

Markets andsynergies

Beyond the VCSEL market, II-VI seesthe potential for the merger to add value through scale, synergies and themarrying of complementary technologies. For example, Finisar, a market leaderin optical-communications components such as transceivers and reconfigurableoptical add-drop multiplexers (ROADMs), would bring a suite of productscurrently lacking at II-VI. That could open up billions of dollars worth of newaddressable communications markets to the latter firm, particularly as 5Gtechnology gains momentum.

In a larger sense, the deal rationalealso stems from a perceived opportunity for ?deep vertical integration? acrossthe combined firms? core technology portfolios, from engineered materialsthrough complex, multi-component solutions. The breadth and integration, thefirms suggest, could open up access to a wide variety of markets. The companyalso hopes to extract around US$150 million in run-rate cost cuts from themerger, through ?procurement savings, internal supply of materials andcomponents, efficient research and development, consolidation of overlappingcosts and sales and marketing efficiencies.?

A photonics mergertrend

The large II-VI deal marks aculmination of sorts in a merger trend in optics and photonics that?s been gatheringsteam since the beginning of the decade. The advisory and consulting firmCeres, for example, identified some1,032 M&A transactions involving photonics in the year 2016 alone, withan aggregate deal value of US$114.6 billion. These included transactions rangingfrom marquee deals such as Coherent?sbillion-dollar acquisition of Rofin-Sinar to a wide variety of smalltuck-in purchases.

More recently, announcements inaddition to the II-VI/Finisar combination highlight the large deal values anddollar amounts sloshing around in the current merger pool. In March 2018, forexample, II-VI/Finisar?s competitor in the VCSEL arena, Lumentum, disclosed itsintention to acquire the optical components and modules company Oclaro forUS$1.8 billion in cash and stock. And, at the end of October 2018, MKSInstruments, a diversified provider of industrial process and productivitytechnologies, reported that it would acquire laser-maker Electro ScientificIndustries for around US$1 billion, with the deal expected to close in the 2019first quarter.

For the II-VI/Finisar deal inparticular, II-VI plans to use a combination of cash on hand and US$2 billionin new debt to pay for the merger. Under the terms of the deal, the companywould pay Finisar stockholders US$15.60 per share in cash plus 0.2218 shares ofII-VI stock per Finisar share for the purchase. That amounts to a combinedvalue of US$26 per share for Finisar?a premium of roughly 38 percent over thelatter?s closing stock price the day before the deal was announced. It wouldalso leave nearly a third of the new combined entity in the hands of Finisarinvestors.

Rocky start on WallStreet

Notwithstanding the long-termrationale articulated by the companies, the immediate response of theinvestment community to the deal was less than positive. A number ofcommentators focused on the premium that II-VI would pay for Finisar, whichlooked a bit steep to some eyes, and on the significant leverage that II-VIwould have to take on to fund the deal. Further, the acquisition still needs topass antitrust and regulatory muster in the United States, China and othercountries?not an inconsiderable factor, given that the Lumentum?Oclaro deal,announced in March, is still waiting for the nod from Chinese regulators.

As a result, in the immediateaftermath of the announcement, while Finisar shares popped up smartly in priceto reflect the potential gains from the deal premium, II-VI stock sagged nearly20 percent in value on the day of the merger announcement. And the stock fellanother 15 percent on the following Monday, as II-VI was hit with negativefallout from the news that Apple Inc. was reducing shipments of semiconductorlasers from another VCSEL supplier, Lumentum, presumably owing to weakenedsales expectations for Apple?s iPhone X products.

Clearly, it will take a while for thenear-term stock price impacts and regulatory uncertainties to sort themselvesout. One analyst, though, stressed the strong track record and positive resultsthat II-VI has posted in recent quarters?and suggested that, in the rush tosell off II-VI shares, investors ?maybe throwing out the baby with the bathwater.?

Researchers develop optical fibre capable of over 1 petabit per second

Researchersdevelop optical fibre capable of over 1 petabit per second

Boffins claim new fibre can transmit12 times as much data as existing optic fibres.


A coupler created by Macquarie University in Australia, combined with afibre fabricated by Hokkaido University and equipment maker Fujikura, and atransmission system developed by the National Institute of Information andCommunications Technology in Japan, has led to transmission speeds in excess of1 petabit.

The new four-core, three-mode fibre was touted as being the same width asexisting standard fibre, but was capable of 12 times the data speed. MacquarieUniversity said the fibre was less prone to damage due to its narrowerdiameter, and could be used with existing equipment.

“The world’s insatiable demand for data means that we are approachinga ‘capacity crunch’ and need to find new ways to transport ever-largervolumes,” said Dr Simon Gross of the Macquarie Photonics Research Centre.

“This technology promises a solution to the bottleneck created byexisting optical fibres. For the first time, we have created a realistic anduseable-sized fibre which is resilient and can transport huge amounts ofdata.”

Uses of the fibre would be in backhaul networks, the university said,although it pointed out that the fibre’s capacity was “12 million timesquicker than the fastest NBN connection”.

In September, NBN announced that it had doubledthe capacity on its fibre-optic transit network to 19.2Tbps per fibre link.

The upgraded capacity kicked off in Sydney between Eastern Creekand Asquith, with the 3,600km route between Darwin and Brisbane to follow inDecember — to support growth on the Sky Muster satellite service — and willthen be switched on progressively across the nation.

“The capacity upgrade has been made possible with the successfulinstallation of new optical transmission technology — from network equipmentmaker Coriant’s CloudWave Optics — that supports per-wavelength transmissionrates of 200 gigabits per second (Gbps) on optical transport backbonenetworks,” NBN explained.

Earlier in the year, Japanese giant NEC teamed up with Google to work out how to use artificialintelligence to boost the spectral efficiency across the FASTER subsea cablesystem to 6 bits per second per hertz for a capacity of more than 26 terabitsper second.

Infinera Redefines Operational Speed

Infinera Redefines Operational Speed and Simplicity for Cable Operatorswith New Fiber-deep Access Solution

SUNNYVALE, Calif., Oct. 22, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE)– Infinera, provider of Intelligent Transport Networks,announced today the availability of an innovative packet-optical aggregationand transport solution purpose-built to accelerate and simplify the delivery ofhigh-speed, low-latency services in access networks at the lowest total cost ofownership. The new 1.6 terabit High-Density Ethernet Aggregator (HDEA) enablesnetwork operators to cost-efficiently address key operational and servicedeployment challenges in fiber-deep access environments, including DistributedAccess Architectures (DAA) in cable networks and 5G radio access network (RAN)transport infrastructure.

?The rapid pace of migration from 1G to 10Gconnectivity in access networks will create economic and operational challengesfor operators, and nowhere is this more evident than in the move to DAA withincable access networks,? said Heidi Adams, Senior Research Director, IP &Optical Networks, IHS-Markit. ?Space constraints, power efficiency, and cablemanagement are all key concerns when introducing large-scale aggregation intohub-site locations. Infinera?s new HDEA platform tackles these challengeshead-on.?

The Infinera HDEA, part of the Infinera XTM Series,is an access-optimized packet-optical aggregator that seamlessly integratesoptical transport capabilities, Metro Ethernet Forum Carrier Ethernet2.0-compliant Layer 2 Ethernet functionality and open, programmable softwarecontrol, including direct access via OpenFlow. Designed to support 1.6 terabitsof capacity in an ultra-compact 1 rack unit (1RU) chassis, the HDEA solution isoptimized for a range of access network applications, including ultra-highdensity 10G aggregation in DAA networks, 4G/5G mobile backhaul andhigh-capacity business Ethernet.

Key customer benefits include:

  • Lowest total cost of ownership: The HDEA increases 10G density twofold and lowers power consumption by approximately half over comparable solutions, dramatically reducing operational expenses and capital expenses as access networks scale.
  • Simplified mass subscriber connectivity: The HDEA accelerates and simplifies commissioning of high capacity such as 10G services with Infinera?s Auto-Lambda zero-touch provisioning capabilities, while mitigating deployment-impacting fiber management complexities by reducing fibers by a factor of 20 times with a unique sliding-mount design.
  • Assured investment for 4G/5G infrastructure: The HDEA provides the high capacity and superior timing essential for a high-quality 4G and 5G mobile experience as more small cells are deployed.

?When we demonstrate to our customers how the HDEAenables the installation and commissioning of up to 1.6 terabits ofpacket-optical aggregation in 1RU in less than 10 minutes, the lights go on ina big way,? said Glenn Laxdal, Infinera Senior Vice President and GeneralManager, Product Management. ?This innovative new packet-optical accessoffering reinforces our commitment to extending the reach of our networkingsolutions and driving unprecedented value for our customers.?

Infinera product and technology experts will be atthe SCTE?ISBE Cable-Tec Expo? this week in booth 2905. Visit us to learnmore about Infinera?s comprehensive solutions for cable operators. Customerscan contact Infinerato arrange for a demonstration of our industry-leading intelligent transportsolutions at the show, including our newly introduced HDEA solution and thelatest advances in Infinera Auto-Lambda technology.

UK Plans Full Fibre Future

UK Plans Full Fibre Future

Future Telecoms Infrastructure Review Mandates Optical Broadband For All New Build Homes

Mandatory full fibre broadband for all new build homes and a new priority to connect hard-to-reach rural areas are among key measures proposed in a just released national, long-term strategy for UK telecommunications. The new approach is aimed at driving large-scale commercial investment in the fixed and wireless networks that are vital for the UK to remain globally competitive in a digital world.

The Future Telecoms Infrastructure Review (FTIR), announced as part ofthe UK Government’s modern Industrial Strategy, proposes the changes that are needed to give the majority of the population access to 5G, connect 15 million premises to full fibre broadband by 2025, and provide full fibre broadband coverage across all of the UK by 2033. The publisher of the FTIR, the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS), says full fibre infrastructureis vital to underpin 5G coverage.

At the heart of the FTIR is an emphasis on greater consumer choice and initiatives to promote quicker rollout and an eventual full switch over from copper to fibre.

Key recommendations from the FTIR include:

-New legislation that will guarantee full fibre connections to new build developments;

-Providing operators with a ‘right to entry’ to flats, business parks,office blocks and other tenanted properties to allow those who rent to receive fast, reliable connectivity, from the right supplier at the best price;

-Reforms to the regulatory environment for full fibre broadband that will drive investment and competition and is tailored to different local market conditions;

-Public investment in full fibre for rural areas to begin simultaneously with commercial investment in urban locations;

-An industry led switchover (from copper to full fibre) coordinated withr egulator Ofcom;

-Anew nationwide framework which will reduce the costs, time and disruption caused by street-works by standardising the approach across the country;

-Increased access to spectrum for innovative 5G services

-Infrastructure(including pipes and sewers) owned by other utilities such as power, gas and water, should be easy to access, and available for both fixed and mobile use;

-Ofcom to reform regulation, allowing unrestricted access to Openreach ducts and poles for both residential and business use, including essential mobile infrastructure;

-Alongside the FTIR, Government has also published a Digital Infrastructure Toolkit which will allow mobile networks to make far greater use of Government buildings to boost coverage across the UK.

?We want everyone in the UK to benefit from world-class connectivity no matter where they live, work or travel. This radical new blueprint for the future of telecommunications in this country will increase competition and investment in full fibre broadband, create more commercial opportunities and make it easierand cheaper to roll out infrastructure for 5G,” says DCMS Secretary of State,Jeremy Wright. ?The FTIR’s analysis indicates that, without change, full fibre broadband networks will at best only ever reach three quarters of the country,and it would take more than twenty years to do so. It also indicates that 5Goffers the potential for an expansion of the telecoms market, with opportunities for existing players and new entrants.”

Nationwide availability of full fibre is likely to require additional funding of around ?3billion to ?5 billion to support commercial investment in the approximate final10% of areas. The DCMS notes that the UK has only 4% full fibre connections and lags behind many of its key competitors Spain (71%), Portugal (89%) and France(around 28% and increasing quickly).

Largest Ever EMEA Structured Finance Operation For Full Fibre Access

Banks Stump Up ?3.5 billion For Open Fiber FTTH

Largest EverEMEA Structured Finance Operation For Full Fibre Access

Italy’swholesale provider Open Fiber has signed a seven-year ?3.5 billion finance dealto fund the expansion of its FTTH network. The deal, inked with a pool ofcommercial banks, the public sector investment bank Cassa Depositi e Prestitiand the European Investment Bank (EIB), is billed as the largest EMEAstructured finance operation aimed at developing a fully fibre optic accessnetwork.

Theexpansion of Open Fiber’s FTTH network (aka the Open Fiber Industrial Plan) hasbeen costed at some ?6.5 billion. It aims at bringing direct fibre access tosome 19.5 million real estate units, both in urban areas and in less populatedcentres.

?Thefinancial market has shown great interest in the Open Fiber Industrial Plan.The transaction involves the most important Italian and international creditinstitutions,” commented Open Fiber CEO Elisabetta Ripa. ?This is an importantsign of confidence in the project, in the wholesale-only model, and especiallyin the Open Fiber people who have done a fantastic job in recent months ?.

?Thepresence in the pool of lenders of several foreign financial intermediaries ofprimary importance is, implicitly, a sign of confidence in our country,significant in a phase of nervousness of the markets,” stated Franco Bassanini,President of Open Fiber. He added that the operation was also a newdemonstration of the growing attention of the markets for the validity of thebusiness model adopted by Open Fiber and other innovative European companies,which is the most suitable to create, with long-term investments, theinfrastructures required to build the new generation network for the GigabitSociety.

Thepool of commercial banks is made up of BNP Paribas, Soci?t? G?n?rale andUniCredit, as underwriter, Global Coordinator, lobal Bookrunners and Initial Mandatedlead arrangers, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and the EIB. In addition, amongItalian institutes are Banca IMI, Banco BPM, MPS Capital Services and UBI Bancaand, among international organisations, Credit Agricole, ING, Caixa Bank, MUFGBank, Natwest and Banco Santander, as lenders. Unicredit also acted as agent.

Simultaneouslywith the disbursement of the new loan, expected by October 2018, Open Fiberwill provide for the full repayment of its current debt.

Quantum repeaters on the horizon

Brightest source of entangled photons

Quantum repeaters on the horizon?

Scientists have developed a broadband optical antenna for highly efficient extraction of entangled photons. With a yield of 37% per pulse, it is billed as the brightest source of entangled photons reported so far.

Working at the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW), and at Leibniz University Hannover (LUH), the scientists note that the rules of quantum physics state that two photons can interact in such away that they become deeply linked and remain connected, even when separated by great distances. Any change in the quantum state of one photon results in a corresponding change in the remote partner. This has great potential for application in future quantum communication, and in particular for secure quantum cryptography. The efficient generation of entangled pairs of photons is an important prerequisite for the implementation of such a technology.

However, the transition of photons over long distances is associated with large losses, so that only 100 km could be realised in fibre optic cablesso far. The better the brightness of the photon source, the better the losses over long distances can be tolerated. The development of bright entangled photon sources is, therefore, an important approach to achieve long-distance quantum communication.

The work at IFW and LUH sets a new record in this respect. A research team headed by Professor Oliver G. Schmidt and Professor Fei Ding has designed a source of entangled photons with unprecedented brightness. The entangled photon pair efficiency of the new device is 37 %. It consists of a broadband optical antenna that emits entangled pairs of photons very efficiently from semiconductor quantum dots. The antenna operates in a broad wavelength range,and is able to emit energetically different photons simultaneously. With regardto other parameters, the new photon source also delivers impressive results: ahigh single-photon purity (99.8%) and a high entanglement fidelity (90%).

?Optimising such a photon source for a variety of properties is a particular challenge to our work,” says Robert Keil, who is currently completing his PhD at the IFW.

?Our entangled photons are generated by the semiconductor material commonly used in opto electronics, gallium arsenide,” adds Professor Ding. Thismakes it possible to produce components based on established semiconductor technologies and which are thus suitable for future industrial production.

?The work represents an important step towards exploring the potential of optical quantum technologies”, emphasises Professor Schmidt, who, with histeam, was able to demonstrate the fastest source of entangled photons three years ago.

The research work of IFW and t LUH is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the joint project Q.Link.X. This aims at the realisation of the core component for long-range quantum communication, a so-called quantum repeater, within three years. A quantum repeater represents the quantum mechanical counterpart to the classical signal amplifier and could revolutionise optical communication as we know it. .

Core Modulator Technology Shrinks to Chip Scale

Optics & Photonics News

Core Modulator Technology Shrinks to Chip Scale

Research News – Stewart Wills

Electro-optic modulators.jpg

Image: Harvard SEAS]

Electro-optic modulators, which convert electronic data to optical signals, are key components of long-haul telecom networks?and, for decades, lithium niobate (LN)modulators have constituted the workhorse technology. But these bulky,power-hungry devices have proved resistant to chip-scale integration. That has represented a stumbling block in the drive toward low-power, ultra-low-loss photonic circuits, not only for next-gen telecommunications but also for data-intensive conventional computing and quantum information processing.

Now, a search team led by OSA Fellows Marko Lon?ar of Harvard University and Peter Winzer of Nokia Bell Labs has devised a way to radically shrink both the size and the driving voltage of LN modulators (Nature, doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0551-y).The result is a device 100 times smaller and 20 times more efficient than existing modulators?and one that’s poised for on-chip integration. The researchers envision a vast application space for the new modulators, both in high-bandwidth data communications and in reconfigurable optical circuits for other areas, ranging from microwave signal processing to photonic neural-network computing.

Voltage problems

Over the years, LN modulators have gotten the nod owing to the excellent electro-optical properties of lithium niobate. In particular, the symmetry characteristics inLN crystals leads to a strong Pockels effect (that is, to changes in the material’s optical properties in response to an applied electric field). Those material properties, in turn, mean that tiny applied voltage changes can alter the crystals’ refractive index, on ultra fast, femto second timescales.

The problem comes when you try to scale down the fountain-pen-sized LN modulators common in existing telecom networks into something that can fit on a chip.Because of fundamental challenges in etching wave guides into lithium niobate,current-generation NB modulators must rely on wave guides with relatively large mode sizes and poor light confinement. That shortcoming, which in turn imposes limitations on other design details, forces the modulators to operate at drive voltages of 3 to 5 V?well beyond the roughly 1-V levels required to play well with typical CMOS circuitry.

As a result, LN modulators have required electrical amplifiers that have kept their size and power consumption large?and researchers have looked to other materials, including silicon, indium phosphide, polymers and plamsonic surfaces, to develop chip-scale modulators. Unfortunately, none of these alternatives has put together the compelling package of electro-optic properties sported by LN modulators.

Etching LNwaveguides

The team behind the new work decided to take another crack at fashioning a chip-scale LN modulator. To do so, they drew on previous work in Lon?ar’s lab that took a fundamentally different approach to etching in lithium niobate (Optica, doi: 10.1364/OPTICA.4.001536).

In that previous work?which also involved the two co-lead authors of the current study, Cheng Wang (now at the City University of Hong Kong) and Mian Zhang?the team used a technique that involved laying down a single-crystal, 600-nm-thick thin LN film atop a CMOS-compatible insulating layer of SiO2 on silicon. That easier-to-etch material combination, plus tweaks to optimize standard plasma etching processes, allowed the team to dry-etch low-loss LNsub wavelength wave guides and fashion them into high-quality microring resonators.

Lithium Niobate.jpg

The integrated modulator consists of lithium niobate (LN) waveguides in aMach-Zehnder interferometer configuration. As electronic data flows into the modulator, changes in the surrounding electric field are converted to changes in refractive index in the waveguides due to LN’s strong Pockels effect,allowing an electronic data signal to be converted to an optical one. [Image:Courtesy of Second Bay Studios/Harvard SEAS]

For the new study, the team applied the same technique to creating integrated modulators in a traveling-wave Mach-Zehnder interferometer configuration, withLN wave guides acting as the interferometer arms. The wave guides run through dielectric gaps that, on an applied voltage, impose a microwave electric field of opposite sign on the two interferometer arms. That field, through thePockels effect in the lithium niobate, changes the optical phase in the two interferometer arms in an opposite sense?allowing the electrical voltage signal to be changed into an optical one.

?Smaller,faster and better”

Through their improved approach to etching lithium niobate, the researchers found that they were able to create a modulator only 1 cm long and 0.5 cm wide?100 times smaller than conventional LN modulators. The modulator required a driving voltage of only 1.4 V, within the range that it could be directly driven by aCMOS circuit, without bulky amplifiers. And the devices can support data transmission rates of up to 210 Gbit/s?with rates as high as a blistering 1Tbit/s a distinct possibility with more advanced modulator designs. ?It’s like Antman,” co-lead author Wang said in a press release. ?Smaller, faster and better.”

A key advantage of the new modulator, according to Peter Winzer, is that it will speed up progress toward moving optics and electronics closer on a single chip??paving the way toward future fiber-in, fiber-out opto-electronic processing engines,” he said. The result could be a variety of fast, low-loss photonic circuits and applications.

In a particularly intriguing note, the study concludes that the device’s advantages of low optical losses, good electro-optical response, integration and scalability could combine to help create ?a new generation of active integrated opto electronic circuits that can be reconfigured on a pico second timescale using attojoules of electrical energy.” The team believes those circuits could find use in microwave photonics, quantum networks, topological photonic circuits and photonic neural networks, among other areas.

The prospects have not been lost on Harvard’s Office of Technology Development?which, with Lon?ar’s lab, has created a start-up company,HyperLight, to ?commercialize a portfolio of foundational intellectual property related to this work.”

PublishDate: 27 September 2018

SITA Calls for Secure Biometric Data Sharing Between Stakeholders to Optimize PaxEx

APEXInsight: Over the next three years, 77% of airports and 71% of airlines areplanning major programs or R&D in biometric ID management to smooth curb-to-gatepassenger flow, according to SITA. But in order for implementation of airportbiometric solutions to keep pace with the growth of air travel, collaborationbetween stakeholders is key.

At last week?s SITA Euro Air Transport IT Summit inBudapest, straplined ?Aviation 5.0 ? Are You Ready??, the focus was on identitymanagement and passenger flow, with emphasis on the role of biometrics and itspotential to deliver a frictionless ?walkthrough? passenger experience wherebythe cumbersome checkpoints encountered in most airports today will becomeconsigned to the past.

?Secure and seamless travel is a must for the airtransport industry. It is encouraging to see that both airlines and airportsare investing in biometric technology to deliver a secure, paperless way toidentify passengers across multiple steps of the journey. We have already seengreat success where we have implemented it at airports across the world? saidBarbara Dalibard, CEO, SITA, referring to implementations of SITA Smart Path technology.

SITA Smart Path uses biometrics as the singleidentification token at every step in the passenger journey and integrates intoexisting airport infrastructure and airline systems such as check-in kiosks,bag drop units, gates for secure access, boarding and automated border control,helping airlines and airports comply with the various regulations fromgovernments and border agencies. Currently, the most common use of biometricsat airports is identity verification at self-service check-in kiosks ? alreadyin use at 41% of airports. SITA says that self-boarding gates using biometricswith ID documentation, such as a passport, will become ubiquitous over the nextthree years. Currently only 9% of airports have implemented this, according to SITA?s Air Transport IT Insights 2018 report, though aroundhalf expect to do so by 2021.

However, to realize the aspiration of a smoothbiometrically enabled passenger journey through the airport ? which isnecessary to keep pace with the growth of air travel, on track to double by2036 ? stakeholder buy-in across the ecosystem is vital.

From the airport operator?s perspective, ChristophSchneider, Masterplanner at Munich Airport, pointed out that passengers havemuch higher expectations with regards to the provision of contextualized andpersonalized services: ?No single travel stakeholder (airline, airports,hotels, agencies, corporations, etc.) has the capability to optimizeend-to-end-journey experience on their own. All stakeholders want and need thedata to provide relevant customer related service offers, but customer relateddata are fragmented in silos.? A framework is needed to share customer databetween any of the parties, ?with customers owning the data and consenting whatis shared with who, in line with data privacy laws, in a secure controlled wayand adhering to privacy concerns,? Schneider said.

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