Rural UK Broadband ISP and FTTP Builder GoFibre Appoints CEO
Independent rural broadband ISP GoFibre (BorderLink) has announced the appointment of Neil Conaghan as their new Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The move is part of the provider’s effort to expand their full fibre (FTTP) network to cover 500,000 premises (here) in the North of England and Scottish Borders by around the end of 2025.
Changes in senior management like this often follow after a major funding announcement, which in this case reflects the operator’s announcement in January, when they successfully secured funding of £164m from Gresham House (BSIF) to help build their new Fibre-to-the-Premises (FTTP) broadband network.
Since then, GoFibre has also secured two key rollout contracts under the UK Government’s new £5bn Project Gigabit broadband rollout scheme, including one for 3,750 premises in North Northumberland (here) and another to help connect 4,000 premises in Teesdale.
Read The Full Story Here.