M2fx, manufacturer of Miniflex, has helped Audi and BAE systems. Audi’sautomotive engineers faced challenges when fibres were being harmed duringinstallation, and also later by vibration when the car was being driven. M2fxwere invited by Audi to investigate and subsequently designed a solution basedon Miniflex technology that resulted in the fibre being protected in the loomwhile still being sufficiently flexible to allow for the movement of engine baycomponents. BAE Systems also worked with M2fx to overcome a problem with theEurofighter. Fibres on board the plane had to be replaced after landing as theywould fail due to extreme forces. BAE Systems fitted Miniflex in a trial runand flew the Eurofighter under test conditions to see how the fibre would cope.Miniflex technology successfully overcame the issues and is now installed inevery Eurofighter aircraft.
Graham Dupree, M2fx director of sales EMEA said “We are delighted to berepresented by FTL who we know will support our customers and productsextremely well. FTL have a superb reputation that they have earned by servingclients well for many years, we are pleased to be associated with them”.
“Why install M2FX? It is superior to anything elseon the market…[and has] saved the company 57% on total installation cost overtraditional technology? – Brian Schrand ? Network Engineering, Construction andOperations ? Cincinnati Bell
The 57% figure was derived from their cost study and largelya result of de-skilling the installation and reducing snags.
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