This year Fibre Technologies will be sponsoring a Mount Everestclimb with our good friend James Ketchell. You may remember earlier this yearJames rowed the Atlantic solo and raised ?9,000 for the NSPCC, taking 110days.
Next year “April 2011” James is attempting to climb to thesummit of the world’s tallest mountain, following in the footsteps of SirEdmund Hilary and Tenzing Norgay, who became the first people to summit MountEverest on May 29th 1953.
The name ELIFAR stands forEvery Life Is For A Reason, a philosophy which serves to remind us all thateveryone deserves to enjoy the minimum standards of comfort and happiness inlife, though for those with severe disability these are often not easily achieved. The financial, physical and emotional cost to themand their families is enormous and any help we can give will often be lifechanging, and always gratefully received.
If James reaches the summit, he will be the first person tohave rowed the Atlantic Solo and to have summited Mount Everest, the questionis, what will be next?
Fibre Technologies are extremely happy to be supporting Jamesand the Elifar Foundation, as sometimes we forget how lucky we really are.
Fibre Technologies is pleased to announce David Taylor’s newrole in Fibre Technologies as Technical Sales Director.
David said, I am very pleased to be offered this role, as itnot only shows commitment from the company but also endorses my future commitmentthrough accepting it. I am already working on some exciting new areas of expansionfor our growth so watch this space!
Ian Hunt says, for some time now I have been working closelywith David mentoring him through the path way to Directorship. I am pleased tohave David as my right hand man as the company continues to grow and expand.
LanTEK?II fromIDEAL INDUSTRIES offers faster test speeds, superior functionality,revolutionary fibre options and best value with a CAT 6A tester that is morethan 20% cheaper than the competition
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8 port multi-protocol, multi-rate TDM Multiplexer Module
The 8 port multi-rate TDM is one of the industry’s most flexible multi-protocol multiplexers. It is particularly useful in applications where multiple service types are necessary although of course, it can be used for single service type applications as well. Examples of applications requiring multiple converged service types include wireless backhaul, broadband aggregation, and business services.
NMP 2010 ? Network Management for all device families
The powerful management software of MICROSENS was updated and expanded. A new server-based version (NMP servers) of Network Management Platform is designed specifically for the use in demanding environments. All data is stored in a central database. This means consistency of data management, improved security options and increasing access in the security administration process. Access is possible via standard web clients.
Optical Bypass Switch
Especially for the projects in the field of energy (production, distribution), the power aspect of active networking products is critical and complicated. The goal is to ensure continuity of service. For this purpose MICROSENS has developed an Optical Bypass Switch dedicated for the ring ports of an industrial switch in case of a power lost.
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Accedian recenly announced during the Light Reading Mobile Backhaul Convergence Conference that SureWest Communications is deploying Accedian Network’s Performance Assurance Platform to ensure high quality service delivery for its Wireless Carrier Backhaul Ethernet-based mobile backhaul service.
SureWest’s Wireless Carrier Backhaul is an Ethernet-based service that provides the capacity and performance needed for wireless operators to effectively deliver mobile broadband services. Monitoring latency, packet delay variation, packet loss and availability of mobile backhaul services is critical to successfully meeting the wireless operators’ needs and requires robust performance assurance capabilities in the network .
LTE Backhaul Performance Assurance Handbook
Watch an overview presentation of Accedian’s new LTE Performance Assurance Handbook which covers all aspects of LTE backhaul testing, monitoring, SLA reporting and maintenance. It contains extensive references to ITU, IEEE and MEF standards along with in-depth explanations of key technologies are illustrated with extensive network and engineering diagrams. Request your copy of the industry’s most comprehensive guide to LTE Backhaul testing – free to engineering & operations professionals while quantities last.
MetroNODE 10GE? Packet Performance Node
Accedian is proud to announce the General Availability of newest product in the Accedian family, the MetroNODE 10GE? packet performance node. This scalable, high performance product features a comprehensive blend of service assurance and service creation capabilities. The MetroNODE 10GE? provides the same wire-speed, zero-latency performance as our existing products only now at 10 Gig.
SureWest Integrates Accedian Performance Assurance solution in its Wireless Carrier Backhaul Service.
Accedian Networks, the market-leading developer of Carrier Ethernet Performance Assurance Network Interface Devices (NIDs) and service management solutions, today announced that SureWest Communications (NASDAQ: SURW) is deploying Accedian Network’s Performance Assurance Platform to ensure high quality service delivery for its Wireless Carrier Backhaul Ethernet-based mobile backhaul service.
6 July 2010: Systems integrator Fibre Technologies has enhanced its product portfolio to include IMC Networks, a leading manufacturer of fibre optic access and media conversion solutions for enterprise, LANs, first-mile FTTx networks and industrial Ethernet. IMC?s product offerings include the iMcV-FiberLinX-II range, a series of demarcation units expressly designed for fibre termination; and its Industrial Ethernet (IE) family, a series of media converters which support copper/fibre conversion with extended temperature support and DC power.
As demand for bandwidth continues to rise, IMC Networks’ iMcV-FiberLinX-II range provides telcos and energy companies with a fully managed demarcation device to easily upgrade legacy copper access technologies and provide a flexible and cost effective point-to-point solution for the curb and business use.
The IE series of products will be sold through Fibre Technologies? online distribution website, This range of industrial media converters is designed to handle extreme temperature conditions and non-office environments. As the deployment of IP-CCTV grows, media converters will become integral to interfacing the copper and fibre connections which meet at the pole, for example. Other applications include WiFi networks and access control and monitoring systems.
On working with Fibre Technologies, Brendan Mullooly, European Operations Manager at IMC Networks comments: ?Fibre Technologies? experience in working with telcos and large scale FTTx projects makes them a perfect fit to successfully market these product ranges in the UK. We look forward to working with the team to help extend our market share in the region.?
Ian Hunt, Managing Director at Fibre Technologies, adds: ?We are seeing a significant rise in FTTx implementations and the IMC Networks range is a cost-effective way for telcos and businesses to manage the transition and reap the benefits of upgrading existing network infrastructure. As applications for media converters become more varied, we are able to offer our customers a wide range of solutions to withstand the toughest of conditions.?
Notes to editors
About IMC Networks
IMC Networks is a leading manufacturer of low cost fiber optic access and media conversion solutions for Enterprise, Government and Service Providers’ LANs, First-Mile FTTx Networks and Metropolitan Area Networks, delivering 22 years of excellence in product quality, customer satisfaction and value. ISO 9001:2008 registered, all products are RoHS and REACH compliant, made in the USA and carry a 6-Year Comprehensive Warranty (SFP products offer a 1-Year Warranty). IMC Networks provides complimentary Fiber Consulting Service.
Fibre Technologies Ltd (FTL) enables companies to cope with the increasing demand for greater network bandwidth. Its fibre optic communication products and services allow telecommunications carriers, ISPs, universities and IT infrastructure providers to alleviate congestion in existing networks by providing innovative solutions that overcome capacity limitations.
Founded in 1990, FTL works with its customers to understand their needs and anticipate market trends. The company?s technical expertise and market understanding, coupled with a focus on customer service has resulted in a customer base that includes BT, ntl:Telewest Business (Virgin Media), Logica, StorageTek, Subsea 7, IPC Media, Sun Microsystems and a number of top Universities and research facilities such as those at Bristol, Lancaster, Imperial College, Warwick and many others.
CreanordEchoNEWS aims to keep you informed of the latest developments at Creanord andin the fields of automated Ethernet service delivery, SLA assurance andOperations, Administration and Maintenance (OAM).
Creanord EchoVault 4.8, to be released in August 2010, introduces new valuableAdd-on modules providing our customers even more tools for reducing customerchurn and improving QoS measurements. In this issue of Creanord EchoNEWS welook more closely into two of these – EchoVault Event Dashboard, enablingCustomer Experience Management (CEM) for Events and Throughput Meter forscheduled and on-demand throughput measurements.
EchoVault Event Dashboard All Service Providers have occasional problems within their networks andservices. The key for maintaining the customers trust in such a situation is toact fast. Fixing the problem is of course first priority but proactivelyinforming the customer how the problem solving is proceeding is greatly valuedby the customer. A happy customer equals reduced churn. Moreover, well plannedcustomer communications reduce unnecessary contacts to helpdesk and NOC(Network Operations Center). This is welcomed by the busy professionals who areable to focus on the job at hand instead of answering frustrated customerenquiries.
To be able to achieve this goal is not as hard as you might think – EchoVaultEvent Dashboard provides a quick view to the latest events and alerts for bothService Provider and Customer. Both the customer and the Service Provider arealso able to comment any event. This is useful for example when providingbackground information about the event.
The EchoVault Event Dashboard displays alert details and relatedcomments for both Service Provider and customer.
For the NOC professionals smoothly operating support systems are imperative. Byutilizing latest Web 2.0 technologies the EchoVault Event Dashboard dynamicallydisplays new events without page refresh. No more slow browser load times andflickering screens in NOCs.
EchoVaultThroughput Meter (centralized RFC 2544 Testsuite) We discussed about the Ethernet Services birth certificate in the December 2009EchoNEWS issue. The most questioned character of a new circuit is itsthroughput. Customers are always interested to know that they are receiving theamount of bandwidth per quality class they have purchased. The Throughput Meterintroduces centralized and automated circuit turn-up verification andtroubleshooting via IETF RFC 2544, the industry de-facto standard forthroughput measurements.
The EchoVault Throughput Meter enables automated testing & reporting of Ethernet and IP OAM (Operations Administration and Maintenance) parameters (on the service VLAN), such as Frame Delay, Frame Delay Variation, Frame Loss, Frame Loss Rate (FLR), Throughput and Availability.
Ensuring the Ethernet service quality, performance and SLA adherence right after the installation strengthens the customer relationship. Customer knows that the service implementation and hand-off is done professionally.
The Throughput Meter comes with aeasy to use wizard like user interface that guides the user in the measurementand report creation process. First, user associates the measurement to thedesired customer, selects the time for the test, source and target destinationsand finally chooses one of the pre-configured RFC 2544 Test Suiteconfigurations. The Throughput Meter report is provided either in PDF or RTFformat and delivery methods include email, SCP* and EchoVault Portal. Throughput Meter reports are saved for future reference toEchoVault Report Catalog that can be also viewed in read only mode throughEchoVault Portal. For the Service Provider the Throughput Meter provides easyre-run of the tests with ‘Play Again’ button.