Optokon release MOT-700 series portable mini OTDR tester

The MOT-700 minireflectometer comes in a compact metal housing and functions as a full OTDR and optical

light source. The reflectometer determines the distance to reflecting and non-reflecting events and measures

optical line insertion loss and splice loss. In addition, the MOT-700 can be fitted with an optical power meter and a

visible light source.

The MOT-700 is designed for testing singlemode and multimode fiber parameters in the process of

installation, operation and maintenance, respectively the fault location:

– Backbone and local networks

– FTTx networks, PON

– Access networks

To view the product information please click here

To view the product application sheet please click here

FTL delivers Fibre optic training in Gibraltar

The aim wasto provide an insight into Fibre optics theory, health & safety concernswhen working with Fibre optics and then to combine it with hands on practicalfor 12 delegates, to enable them to work confidently with their own Fibreinfrastructure

During theweek, the delegates who had very little experience with the ?dark art? of Fibreoptics, learnt how to handle armoured multi core cable, the importance ofinspection and cleaning of Fibre cables (especially in their industry), lightloss and what impact it has on transmission, how to test for loss andconnectivity and finally how to prepare multi core Fibre cables prior to joiningthem using Fusion Splicing techniques

With thisinitial training under their belts both companies are now in a good position toinstall and maintain their own Fibre optic infrastructure with confidence andit also provides them with a good basis to consider any accredited training,should it be a future requirement

FTL partner with Innbox for the very best in FTTH CPE offerings

The Innbox portfolio comprises a wide range of Customer Premises Equipment (CPEs) and Terminals designed to allow the creation of multi-play service bundles for the broadband connected home. It covers a variety of business models and access technologies.

Innbox is designed by the vision of making the broadband connected home a source of profit for service providers and a source of quality services for the end-users.

Iskratel embedded technology enables a powerful, industry-leading performance of the CPE products in the market. The award-winning products built upon over 60 years of experience in an telecomunications industry are still evolving and maturing.

Innbox Home Gateways

Iskratel’s HGws are ready for complex network settings anduser needs. They ensure the full set of connectivity features:

  • a full throughput over a network interface with the support of a firewall,
  • TR-069, a DHCP server, a PPPoE client, a VLAN,
  • other advanced features customized and adapted to the specific needs.

The Iskratel Innbox Home Gateways CPE product family allowService Providers to deliver an ever growing variety of broadband applicationsto the end-users, through the widest choice of fixed and wireless accesstechnologies (ADSL,VDSL, Fiber, Ethernet, WiMAX).


Innbox V50
Innbox A40

Innbox Network Termination & Extension

The Innbox Network Termination & Extension productsdevices include only basic functionalities, i.e., optical/ electricalconversion to help minimize technology obsolescence.
Moreover, the device has been designed for reliability by using onlyhigh-quality parts.
Innbox Network Termination & Extension products with an optical networkterminal, offering a single appliance for Fiber-to-the-Premises Connectionswhich meets full home networking and in-home media distribution needs.
Iskratel’s NT&E devices allows their management via an extension ofstandard Ethernet operations, administration and maintenance (Ethernet OAM)protocol, without the need for an IP address.


Innbox F28
Innbox C20
Innbox C30

Innbox Media Center

The Iskratel Innbox Media Center represents a new generationmultimedia experience, by supporting a variety of TV distribution platformssuch as IPTV and Internet TV, integrating the facility for personal multimediaentertaiment.

InnBox Media Center equipment with an ethernet input andflexible video and audio output introduces high performance solution byadvanced video decoder H.264/AVC engines. This provides our customers, ISPs orTelecoms, a cost effective way to deliver sophisticated interactive digitaltelevision service including multicast streaming, video on demand, Internetaccess, etc.


Innbox HD30

So What’s In Your Backhaul Toolbox?

So What’s In YourBackhaul Toolbox?

In 2011, mobile data traffic growth rate was higher thaninitially anticipated and can mainly be contributed to the growth in the overallnumber of mobile users. It is now expected that wireless devices will exceedthe number of people on earth by the end of 2012! (source:Cisco?s VNI data). In addition, consumers are clawing formore bandwidth to satisfy their insatiable appetite for mobile services andapplication. This appetite is choking the backhaul networks, forcing operatorsand service providers to invest in an infrastructure capable of handlinggigabit capacities quickly, easily and cost-effectively.

Whether fiber, copper, microwave radios or millimeter wave radiosare used to face these backhaul challenges, one thing is certain: there is no one-size-fits-allsolution to overcoming the 4G backhaul dilemma.

BridgeWave has a complete line of robust and scalablehigh-capacity 4G wireless backhaul solutions to meet escalating capacityrequirements with greater flexibility.

BridgeWave’s UpcomingWebinars

BridgeWave is pleased to present a new webinar geared toward theUK market:

Using Ultra High Capacity Millimetre Wave Solutions For NetworkConnectivity

Join BridgeWave Communications for an informative 45 minutewebinar to explore how millimetre wave gigabit wireless solutions are providingessential high-capacity connectivity across carrier, service provider,government, education and healthcare networks in the United Kingdom. Thiswebinar will introduce millimetre wave solutions in the license-free60 GHz and lightly-licensed 80 GHz frequency bands. Discover realworld examples and learn how wireless solutions can help you achieve performanceon par with fibre, but with significant benefits in terms of cost and time toimplement.

In addition, BridgeWave recently launched the following 30-minutewebinar series:

Wireless Solutions for the State and Local GovernmentMarketplace

This informative webinar series reviews BridgeWave’s GigEwireless products for the government marketplace. BridgeWave has beensupporting State, County and Local government agencies over the years withtheir constant need for more data capacity for various applications includingvideo backhaul, VoIP, leased line replacement and redundancy.

Wireless Solutions for Carriers

With today’s never ending ‘Need for Speed’ it has become moreimportant than ever for service providers to find solutions to scale capacityand extend coverage while increasing revenues. Join us and discover whatBridgeWave’s new GigE microwave technology can do for you.

For alldates, times and registration info, please check out our Events List.

Product Announcement

BridgeWave is pleased to offer a 2+0, 2 Gbps upgrade kit forits 80 GHz systems. Existing users can now upgrade their installed GE80,AR80 and AR80-AES links to allow two simultaneous 1 Gbps paths to/from thesame antenna.
* New users must purchase a standard kit and an upgrade kit.
* Offer not available for FE80U or BW80 links.
* Antennas are not part of the kit.

For more details and ordering info, please call 01344752222 orsales@fibre.co.uk

Ideal Industries and Fibre Technologies launch of SignalTEK II

SignalTEK II

SignalTEK 2

Handheld qualifier designed to confirm correct installation of copper and fibre cabling capable of supporting voice, video, data and CCTV applications over 10/100 Megabit or Gigabit Ethernet.

SignalTEK II is essential for all installers of data cabling whether working in residential premises, small to medium-sized offices, or Industrial Ethernet environments.

Save money by using a single multifunction device in place of separate copper, fibre and Power over Ethernet (PoE) testers.

Increase efficiency through simplifying and accelerating cable installation including advanced Ethernet network troubleshooting.

Future-proof investment with a cable qualifier that is already IPv6 and PoE+ compatible.

Full Gigabit load cable test.

Excellent wiremapping by pin, with distance to fault.

Support for copper and fibre optic networks.

Simplified network load testing through hubs and switches.

For further information please call the sales office on 01344 752222 or email us at sales@fibre.co.uk

IMC Networks Delivers 10 Gigabit Media Converter Solution For Long-Haul Networks

Modular Protocol-Independent, 10 Gbps XFP Fiber Mode Converter

Connect 10 Gigabit network segments running different fiber types using interchangeable XFP modules

The iMcV-10G-Converter is a dual-wide SNMP manageable module that allows network operators to convert multiple fiber types and wavelengths, as well as copper XFPs, within a network. It installs in the modular, SNMP-manageable iMediaChassis series and in the unmanaged MediaChassis series.

The iMcV-10G-Converter is protocol-independent with dual XFP ports which can provide a single conversion between copper, different wavelengths or single-mode and multi-mode fiber, single-mode to single-mode fiber or multi-mode to single-strand single-mode fiber. The iMcV-10G-Converter module supports a variety of user-configurable features such as LinkLoss, LoopBack and variable speed XFPs.

The iMcV-10G-Converter uses 10 Gbps XFP modules which are capable of moving large amounts of data over long distances. The hot-swappable nature of XFPs and the numerous fiber modes and types that are available allow for easy configuration and future upgrading as network demands evolve.

Easily configure and manage converters with the GUI-based iView?. As an SNMP management application, iView? gives network managers the ability to monitor and control IMC Networks’ products. iView? runs standalone on Windows NT/XP/2000/7 or as a Web Server running under IIS. For assistance in selecting the right version of iView? for your operating system, visit our web site at:http://www.imcnetworks.com/Products/iView2.cfm

Features and Benefits

Cost-effective and flexible

  • Interchangeable XFP modules allow for multiple fiber mode/type conversion options (single-mode, multi-mode) as well as support for copper XFPs
  • DDMI enabled XFPs are supported through SNMP when installed in a compatible managed chassis
  • Ideal for use with IMC Networks’ XFPs


  • Supports a wide range of XFP Modules with transmission speeds from 9.9 Gbps to 11.3 Gbps

Maximizes network uptime

  • Modules are hot-swappable; no need to power-down chassis when upgrading or trouble-shooting a single module
  • User selectable FX LinkLoss enables the operator to identify a cable fault/failure when the unit is not used in a managed chassis
  • Supports Config Control, a feature that retains the latest configuration of a module regardless of how the initial configuration was setup; whether by DIP Switch or SNMP Management Module Supports XFP Loopback (Lineside & SFI) and Loss Carry Forward (XFP dependent)

Application Diagram

In this application, two servers are connected over a 10 Gbps network across a campus. The distance limitation of the original multimode fiber used in the initial installation is extended via the iMcV-10G-Converters over single-mode fiber.

Fibre Technologies Limited acquires Isoscan UK Limited

Fibre Technologies (FTL) and Isoscan haveworked with each other on and off for nearly 10 years now, and each thereforeunderstands how the other operates.

Following the retirement of Isoscan MD Malcolm Wright, FTL will continue tomanufacture, deliver, deploy and maintain the currently installed base whichIsoscan has developed over the last 18 years. Existing customers will see nochange in how they are handled as an account. Neil McCoy,Technical Director of Isoscan, will join FTL and will continue to be thetechnical driving force of the Isoscan range of products and services.

FTL has been in the telecoms market for more than 20 years, and has seen thechanges of building security solutions move increasingly into the Ethernetspace. The acquisition of Isoscan instantly provides the company with 18years of security experience.

New, existing, and potential customers will benefit from continual productimprovements and enhancements that are planned within the current roadmap. “TheIsoscan range is very adaptable from an off-the-shelf product, has an 18-yearproven track record, and is fitted in many of the UK’s county councils, carmanufacturing plants, logistic warehousing units, and data centres,” says FTL’sIan Hunt. “The acquisition will provide uswith the ultimate solution for our current and new networking solutioncustomers. Not only can we connect the building, we can now also provide thebuilding security”.

arcutronix Synchronize the Ethernet Product launch

Over the last two decades Ethernet has become the dominant technology for data transmission in fixed line and mobile networks because of its simple installation/maintenance and efficient share of bandwidth. Ethernet technology has been built up in parallel to existing TDM (Time Division Multiplex) networks based on PDH or SDH. These networks are used especially for clock and voice transportation. In fixed networks an accurate clock is needed for high quality voice and video services and in addition to mobile networks it is needed for voice hand over procedures between different mobile cells.
The major task to make your network competitive and future proof is building up one network platform which merges all advantages and benefits of Ethernet- and TDM networks. The solution is Synchronous Ethernet or SyncE.

This tendency was recognized early on by arcutronix and with its deep experience in both, Ethernet and TDM a family of advanced SyncE solutions was created. With SyncE solutions from arcutronix you do have the best of Ethernet and TDM in one platform – Optimized usage of bandwidth due to packet data plus accurate clock-/frequency transport with SDH accuracy. An additional advantage of this combination is that the packet loss of old Ethernet with different clocks at the devices does no longer exist.

SyncE = optimized Bandwidth + high quality for all services + better efficiency.

With the Next Generation Ethernet Demarcation Device ENX and the Multi-Protocol Transponder FCX4G and FCX10G, arcutronix synchronizes your Ethernet.

Fibre Technologies Limited FTL named as MINIFLEX (m2fx)AUTHORISED DISTRIBUTOR

M2fx, manufacturer of Miniflex, has helped Audi and BAE systems. Audi’sautomotive engineers faced challenges when fibres were being harmed duringinstallation, and also later by vibration when the car was being driven. M2fxwere invited by Audi to investigate and subsequently designed a solution basedon Miniflex technology that resulted in the fibre being protected in the loomwhile still being sufficiently flexible to allow for the movement of engine baycomponents. BAE Systems also worked with M2fx to overcome a problem with theEurofighter. Fibres on board the plane had to be replaced after landing as theywould fail due to extreme forces. BAE Systems fitted Miniflex in a trial runand flew the Eurofighter under test conditions to see how the fibre would cope.Miniflex technology successfully overcame the issues and is now installed inevery Eurofighter aircraft.

Graham Dupree, M2fx director of sales EMEA said “We are delighted to berepresented by FTL who we know will support our customers and productsextremely well. FTL have a superb reputation that they have earned by servingclients well for many years, we are pleased to be associated with them”.


Why install M2FX? It is superior to anything elseon the market…[and has] saved the company 57% on total installation cost overtraditional technology? – Brian Schrand ? Network Engineering, Construction andOperations ? Cincinnati Bell

The 57% figure was derived from their cost study and largelya result of de-skilling the installation and reducing snags.

How good is it watch this!


MRV Unveils Plans for 100Gbps Solution

New standards-based 100Gbpsoptical transport solution will enable smooth migration path for serviceproviders looking to boost network capacity

CHATSWORTH, C.A.-June 9, 2011-MRV Communications, Inc. (OTC Pink Sheets: MRVC) (“MRV” or the “Company”), aleading provider of optical communications network infrastructure equipment andintegration and managed services, today unveiled plans for a standards-based100Gbps optical transport solution that boosts network capacity over existing fibreinfrastructures and enables increased bandwidth for mobile backhaul,cloud-based services, data centre interconnection and more.

MRV Optical CommunicationsSystems’ new 100Gbps solution will allow service providers to ease thetransition from 10Gbps and meet the projected capacity demands from theonslaught of next-generation services. A standards-based Dense Wave DivisionMultiplexing (DWDM) optical system, the 100Gbps platform will encompass DP-QPSKmodulation and coherent detection technologies to ensure backward compatibilitywith existing network infrastructure, and is positioned to provide metro,regional and long-haul networks with a mix of services of up to 100Gbps.

“Internet exchanges and datacentresare the new central offices for the Internet age as they are the source of thedata that provides the rich Internet services in demand by broadband and mobileusers,” said Andrew Schmitt, Directing Analyst, Optical, at InfoneticsResearch. “While 100Gbps transmission by big telcos draws much attention,equally important is the connectivity between public and private datacentres asthese links often bypass the services of traditional carriers. Today, capexgrowth by datacentre and dark fibre providers outstrips that of traditionalcarriers and by 2013 we think 100Gbps will be very much in demand.”

“MRV OCS’ new 100Gbps systemwill offer service providers a reliable solution that is fully compatible withexisting 10/40Gbps optical transport networks and allow them to reap thefinancial benefits of next-generation services for years to come,” said BarryGorsun, President, for MRV OCS. “Bandwidth demand and IP traffic continue toincrease without showing any sign of slowing. 100Gbps network capacity willsoon become a very important component of the strategy of forward-thinkingservice providers.”

Separately, MRV also announcedtoday that Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX) will strengthen its existing, long-timepartnership with MRV and plans to deploy MRV’s 100Gbps optical transportsolution. AMS-IX is one of the largest and fastest-growing Internet exchangesin the world. Currently, AMS-IX has deployed MRV’s 10Gbps DWDM optical systemsin its core network to enable backbone transport solutions which connectInternet exchange services.

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