So What’s In YourBackhaul Toolbox?

In 2011, mobile data traffic growth rate was higher thaninitially anticipated and can mainly be contributed to the growth in the overallnumber of mobile users. It is now expected that wireless devices will exceedthe number of people on earth by the end of 2012! (source:Cisco?s VNI data). In addition, consumers are clawing formore bandwidth to satisfy their insatiable appetite for mobile services andapplication. This appetite is choking the backhaul networks, forcing operatorsand service providers to invest in an infrastructure capable of handlinggigabit capacities quickly, easily and cost-effectively.
Whether fiber, copper, microwave radios or millimeter wave radiosare used to face these backhaul challenges, one thing is certain: there is no one-size-fits-allsolution to overcoming the 4G backhaul dilemma.
BridgeWave has a complete line of robust and scalablehigh-capacity 4G wireless backhaul solutions to meet escalating capacityrequirements with greater flexibility.
BridgeWave’s UpcomingWebinars
BridgeWave is pleased to present a new webinar geared toward theUK market:
Using Ultra High Capacity Millimetre Wave Solutions For NetworkConnectivity
Join BridgeWave Communications for an informative 45 minutewebinar to explore how millimetre wave gigabit wireless solutions are providingessential high-capacity connectivity across carrier, service provider,government, education and healthcare networks in the United Kingdom. Thiswebinar will introduce millimetre wave solutions in the license-free60 GHz and lightly-licensed 80 GHz frequency bands. Discover realworld examples and learn how wireless solutions can help you achieve performanceon par with fibre, but with significant benefits in terms of cost and time toimplement.
In addition, BridgeWave recently launched the following 30-minutewebinar series:
Wireless Solutions for the State and Local GovernmentMarketplace
This informative webinar series reviews BridgeWave’s GigEwireless products for the government marketplace. BridgeWave has beensupporting State, County and Local government agencies over the years withtheir constant need for more data capacity for various applications includingvideo backhaul, VoIP, leased line replacement and redundancy.
Wireless Solutions for Carriers
With today’s never ending ‘Need for Speed’ it has become moreimportant than ever for service providers to find solutions to scale capacityand extend coverage while increasing revenues. Join us and discover whatBridgeWave’s new GigE microwave technology can do for you.
For alldates, times and registration info, please check out our Events List.
Product Announcement

BridgeWave is pleased to offer a 2+0, 2 Gbps upgrade kit forits 80 GHz systems. Existing users can now upgrade their installed GE80,AR80 and AR80-AES links to allow two simultaneous 1 Gbps paths to/from thesame antenna.
* New users must purchase a standard kit and an upgrade kit.
* Offer not available for FE80U or BW80 links.
* Antennas are not part of the kit.
For more details and ordering info, please call 01344752222