arcutronix Synchronize the Ethernet Product launch

Over the last two decades Ethernet has become the dominant technology for data transmission in fixed line and mobile networks because of its simple installation/maintenance and efficient share of bandwidth. Ethernet technology has been built up in parallel to existing TDM (Time Division Multiplex) networks based on PDH or SDH. These networks are used especially for clock and voice transportation. In fixed networks an accurate clock is needed for high quality voice and video services and in addition to mobile networks it is needed for voice hand over procedures between different mobile cells.
The major task to make your network competitive and future proof is building up one network platform which merges all advantages and benefits of Ethernet- and TDM networks. The solution is Synchronous Ethernet or SyncE.

This tendency was recognized early on by arcutronix and with its deep experience in both, Ethernet and TDM a family of advanced SyncE solutions was created. With SyncE solutions from arcutronix you do have the best of Ethernet and TDM in one platform – Optimized usage of bandwidth due to packet data plus accurate clock-/frequency transport with SDH accuracy. An additional advantage of this combination is that the packet loss of old Ethernet with different clocks at the devices does no longer exist.

SyncE = optimized Bandwidth + high quality for all services + better efficiency.

With the Next Generation Ethernet Demarcation Device ENX and the Multi-Protocol Transponder FCX4G and FCX10G, arcutronix synchronizes your Ethernet.

Heather Takes to the Skies

Rainbow Trust Children’s Charity provides emotional andpractical support to families when their child has a life threatening orterminal illness; immediate help is available for families 24 hours a day.Support is offered from diagnosis through treatment and, should a family becomebereaved, we continue to support them for as long as they need us. We helpfamily members cope with the present and prepare them for the future.

Rainbow is celebrating its 25th Anniversary andHeather is once again taking to the skies (she did a sky dive in 2006) to raisefunds to support our services for families who have a terminally ill child.Heather has been involved with Rainbow since 1988 and I’ve seen the steadygrowth from humble beginnings to the organisation it is today, helping over1150 families this year, an increase of 18%.

To celebrate Rainbow’s 25th Heather has committedto undertake a wing walking display – 11.45am on Saturday 18 June at MemburyAirfield in Berkshire. In 1988 she was a mere slip of a girl and now shejust scraped in to the qualifying criteria but that’s life. Heather says”am I terrified – yes! Am I mad – perhaps just a little but it is in agood cause and I have set myself an ambitious target of ?25K which will help 20families over a year”.

Unfortunately,due to aviation law it is not possible to take part in wing walking to raisemoney for charity. This is a strict law set by the Civil Aviation Authority andso to avoid falling out with the CAA or breaking the law I hope you willconsider sponsoring my ‘training’ programme in order that I might take part. Ihope you will consider sponsoring Heathers training program to enable her totake part.

Please help Heather achieve this in Rainbow’s Jubilee year -every donation will make a difference and you can donate by visiting

MRV Unveils Plans for 100Gbps Solution

New standards-based 100Gbpsoptical transport solution will enable smooth migration path for serviceproviders looking to boost network capacity

CHATSWORTH, C.A.-June 9, 2011-MRV Communications, Inc. (OTC Pink Sheets: MRVC) (“MRV” or the “Company”), aleading provider of optical communications network infrastructure equipment andintegration and managed services, today unveiled plans for a standards-based100Gbps optical transport solution that boosts network capacity over existing fibreinfrastructures and enables increased bandwidth for mobile backhaul,cloud-based services, data centre interconnection and more.

MRV Optical CommunicationsSystems’ new 100Gbps solution will allow service providers to ease thetransition from 10Gbps and meet the projected capacity demands from theonslaught of next-generation services. A standards-based Dense Wave DivisionMultiplexing (DWDM) optical system, the 100Gbps platform will encompass DP-QPSKmodulation and coherent detection technologies to ensure backward compatibilitywith existing network infrastructure, and is positioned to provide metro,regional and long-haul networks with a mix of services of up to 100Gbps.

“Internet exchanges and datacentresare the new central offices for the Internet age as they are the source of thedata that provides the rich Internet services in demand by broadband and mobileusers,” said Andrew Schmitt, Directing Analyst, Optical, at InfoneticsResearch. “While 100Gbps transmission by big telcos draws much attention,equally important is the connectivity between public and private datacentres asthese links often bypass the services of traditional carriers. Today, capexgrowth by datacentre and dark fibre providers outstrips that of traditionalcarriers and by 2013 we think 100Gbps will be very much in demand.”

“MRV OCS’ new 100Gbps systemwill offer service providers a reliable solution that is fully compatible withexisting 10/40Gbps optical transport networks and allow them to reap thefinancial benefits of next-generation services for years to come,” said BarryGorsun, President, for MRV OCS. “Bandwidth demand and IP traffic continue toincrease without showing any sign of slowing. 100Gbps network capacity willsoon become a very important component of the strategy of forward-thinkingservice providers.”

Separately, MRV also announcedtoday that Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX) will strengthen its existing, long-timepartnership with MRV and plans to deploy MRV’s 100Gbps optical transportsolution. AMS-IX is one of the largest and fastest-growing Internet exchangesin the world. Currently, AMS-IX has deployed MRV’s 10Gbps DWDM optical systemsin its core network to enable backbone transport solutions which connectInternet exchange services.

BTI transparent caching

Service providers can solve many of these problems by deploying intelligent, transparent content caches throughout their networks. Without involving either the end user or the content provider, effective transparent caches automatically and dynamically adapt to the most popular content across the network without operations staff involvement, updating and storing the hottest content closer to the end user to improve response times and alleviate bandwidth bottlenecks. BTI’s WideCastTM solution provides a scalable, carriergrade, network-aware transparent caching solution that can be deployed throughout a service provider’s wireline and wireless backhaul infrastructures. Through its unique set of capabilities and a suite of powerful monitoring and reporting tools, WideCast offers greater benefits in cost reduction, network control and end-user service quality than other transparent caching solutions.

Email to request your free printed version or you can download it at

Networked access control for data cabinets

? Secure proximity card access
? IP remote control across the WAN
? Integrated temperature monitoring
? Retrofit most existing cabinets
? Control active PDU’s and fans
? Simple GUI based s/w management
? Full audit and alarm management reporting
? Add other sensors
? Control timed access of your assets

Data Room Design and Energy Management Solution

Imaginea combination of Visio, and an architectural design CAD package with 3Dcapabilities with all your data room structural and rack layouts in one placethat has the intelligence to capture live energy consumption data, as well asbeing able to provide capacity planning, right down to rack u level and you’restarting to get close to what this product can do.

  • Developedin the UK
  • Independentof all products
  • Themost cost effective yet
  • Totallyflexible
  • Addresses4 key areas
  • Design
  • Operational management
  • Reducing energy costs
  • CRC compliance

Track and trace PUE “power usage affectivness”, CUE “carbon” and WUE “water”

Monitor building environmental performance, including heat, power and CFD analysis

Monitor down to socket level

Demonstrate social and economic responsibility

Meet legislative requirements – or suffer fines!

Uses class one live metering

Please feel free to call David Taylor or Ian Hunt to find out more to arrange a meeting or emailed presentation on 01344 752222

Are you doing your utmost to minimize the impact of a disaster?

Enterprise,service provider and government networks, including municipal and militarynetworks cannot afford interruptions caused by natural forces or man-madedisasters. The resiliency, reliability and security of informationtechnology and communications infrastructure are essential to the productivityand profitability of these businesses or organizations. For thatreason, IT Managers must ensure some form of transmission redundancyshould the primary paths fail due to any disturbances.

Suited forbackhauling high capacity data, voice and video streams, BridgeWave’s lowlatency wireless links are fast, easy to install and can be deployed withindays.

Call us now 01344 752222 to learn how our highly-reliable wireless solutions canprovide carrier-grade availability and secure connectivity as backup forexisting fiber paths.

Mobile Bandwidth Demand Continues to Grow

With the increasing mobile datatraffic this equation no longer works. Revenue per bit from data services isfar from what is used to be from voice services. Most Service Providers are nowincreasing their network capacity with Ethernet based backhaul while reducingexpenditure at the same time.

Ethernet Backhaul managementchallenges
Raw bandwidth without proper management only partly fulfills the ServiceProvider goals. With the deployment of Managed Ethernet Backhaul by applyingthe ITU Y.1731 standard for Performance Management and automated Service LevelAgreement (SLA) assurance the investment is secured – providing scalabilityinto the management that is needed when the network expands into thousands andtens of thousands of cell sites.

Rolling out new cell sites and provisioning new services is important butequally important is the management and handling of the end-to-end SLAs and OAMdata received from the networks. It’s fair to say that most software basedmanagement options are not even capable of the heavy lifting required when OAMdata from tens of thousands cell sites start to flood in. Some of the solutionsmight fall short already in the turn-up phase staggering with too many manualstages in the provisioning process causing either slowness into the deploymentor even grinding it into a complete halt. What worked fine in the labenvironment might prove impossible to execute in real-world dimensions with aninsufficient solution.

Creanord EchoVault MAX -Scalable Ethernet Backhaul with SLA assurance
Automation is the key when deploying end-to-end SLA and OAM between thousandsof sites. EchoVault MAX delivers this promise through Plug and Go Zero Touch -with the speed and accuracy that is needed when rolling out large scaleEthernet Mobile Backhauls.

MEF Certified Network Interface DevicesEchoVault MAX provides superior performance and scalable EthernetBackhaul networks. The solution leverages on Oracle On-chip cryptographicacceleration, Oracle VM virtualization, Oracle Real Application Cluster andOracle Partitioning – equaling raw but intelligent performance for real-worldnetworks.

From initial installations into large production networks with tens ofthousands nodes, the EchoVault MAX provides unbeatable performance andscalability – making most of the Service Provider’s Ethernet Mobile Backhaulinvestment.

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